Sunday, August 17, 2014

Beginning the New School Year on the Right Foot: Why Classroom Routines, Behaviorally Disordered Students, and the Brain Matter

Why Behaviorally and Emotionally Challenged Students, Teaching Classroom and Building Routines, and the Hippocampus (in the Brain) Should Matter to You

Dear Colleagues,  

   With the school year about to begin (or, in Arkansas, already beginning), I usually spend this month working with different schools around the country helping them to prepare. 
   This year, however, has been a little more unusual because I am spending almost two weeks (last week and then again in two weeks) working with an elementary through high school day and residential treatment center for emotionally and behaviorally disabled students in Montana.

   Quite honestly, while factoring in these students specific social, emotional, and behavioral needs-- and their individual services, supports, strategies, and interventions--  the beginning of the school year for them needs to focus on the same things that all students and all schools need: 
   ***  Establishing safe and secure school and classroom settings 

   ***  Creating the staff-to-student and student-to-student relationships that result in positive school and classroom climates and interactions   

   ***  Identifying the classroom and building routines needed for student success--  in the classrooms and across the different common areas of the school--  and preparing to teach the students the behaviors that will help them learn and perform these routines at an automatic level 

   ***  Implementing a behavioral accountability system that positively reinforces appropriate student behavior, and that responds to different "intensities" of inappropriate behavior--  annoying versus classroom disruptive versus major disruption/ antisocial versus dangerous/"Code of Conduct" behaviors 
   ***  Ensuring that all instructional, related services, clinical, and support staff (e.g., paraprofessionals, cafeteria and custodial, and others) have participated in the training, are committed to our processes, and are ready for collaboration and implementation 
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Last Week's Accomplishments

   In order to accomplish the goals above, I spent a lot of time last week working with the school's Superintendent, Principal, and School Psychologist. 
   ***  On a personal level, I really had fun working with them-- something that actually should be a professional goal for all of us.
   We were comfortable and open with each other, there were no "ego's" involved, we challenged each others' ideas when necessary, and we complemented each others' strengths while compensating for our respective weaknesses.  
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   ***  On a professional level, we consistently focused on what was best for the students-- relative to teaching them the academic and social, emotional, and behavioral skills both that they need now, as well as in the future.
   To do this, we knew that we needed to know, functionally, what the students could do and not do in the curriculum-based assessment (CBA)/"scope and sequence" skill areas of literacy, math, oral expression, and written expression. 
   We also needed to know what social, emotional, and behavioral self-management skills the students possessed-- so that we could design a large group, small group, and individualized instructional program to teach, prompt, reinforce, and maintain these skills.
   At the foundation of all of this planning was the importance of (a) teaching students the skills that they need-- building on the skills that they had already mastered; and (b) recognizing that the instruction needed to originate with the classroom teachers, supported and reinforced by the related services and clinical staff. 
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Staff Training and Preparation   

   In addition to working with the administrative staff last week, we also spent a half-day last week with the staff in preparation for the beginning of the school year-- in two weeks time.
   At that time, we decided that the first three days of the school year (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) will be spent (a) building relationships and positive school/classroom climate with the students; (b) doing behavioral instruction and walk-throughs of the classroom and building routines;  (c) teaching and practicing the other expected behaviors in the classroom, while also roleplaying what will occur if students demonstrate different intensities of inappropriate behavior (including teaching and practicing the Time-Out process); and (d) demonstrating to the students that all of these processes will be implemented consistently, constructively, and in a student-centered way.
   In other words, we do not anticipate doing any academic work during the first three days of school, and every teacher-- from elementary through high school-- will have an explicit schedule of what they are going to do these three days along with the paraprofessionals, the elective and vocational arts teachers, and the clinical/mental health staff. 
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   Our expectations are that this structure will help our students understand what they need to do. . . that the instruction will help them to successfully do what they need to do. . . and that the discussions about staff responses to inappropriate behavior will create a disincentive to engage in this behavior, and help them recognize that there will be consistent responses designed to hold them responsible. 
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So What's the Brain Got to Do with It ?
   A recent article in Nature Neuroscience by researchers at Stanford University reported on a study where 28 students-- when they were between 7 and 9 years old-- were asked to answer basic addition and subtraction problems while they were inside a brain-scanning MRI machine.

   The results showed that as the students' math skills became more automatic (such that they relied less on their fingers or different counting strategies), different parts of the brain became involved.  More specifically, as the skills became more automatic, the brain's "memory center"-- the hippocampus-- had more electrical activity, and the "counting areas" of the brain-- the prefrontal and parietal lobes-- had less electrical activity.

   Critically, students' positive practice repetition of their math calculation skills best predicted this neurological shift.  Moreover, as their calculation skills became more automatic, the prefrontal and parietal lobes were "freed up" to address more complex mathematical processes.     
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  Knowing that students learn behavioral skills the same way that they learn academic skills, this study reinforces the importance of us teaching students-- especially at the beginning of each school year-- the classroom and building routines that they need to be successful using behavioral instruction and positive practice behavioral rehearsal and walk-through strategies and techniques.

   When this is done over time, these behavioral skills will be more automatic (in the hippocampus), and students will be more able to do the social problem-solving (in the prefrontal and parietal lobes of the brain) needed when these routines must be executed in the presence-- at times-- of some complex or emotionally-tinged social situations.

   While this instruction is especially important for students with social, emotional, or behavioral challenges-- it is important for all students at different age and development levels.  That is why my school in Montana will spend the first three school days emphasizing this instruction. . . and why you should consider the same thing even if you are teaching in a public school with "typical" students.  
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  Clearly, there are many school-wide discipline and student self-management activities that could occur before and during the first days of the school year, and we are highlighting only a few.  To read about others--  organized in a three-year Positive Behavioral Support Implementation Blueprint, feel free to download our free PBSS Implementation Guidebook.

(Click on the Link below;  Find the document titled:  PBSS School Implement Fact Sheet)    
   This recently updated 100+ page resource has the following sections:
  • The Components of an Effective Positive Behavioral Support System (PBSS)
  • A Step-by-Step PBSS Implementation Blueprint
  • Professional Development Approaches and Resources
  • Evaluation and Outcomes
  • Appendices
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   Meanwhile, I hope that your preparations for the new school year result in the positive school and classroom climates and relationships that are needed so that students and staff work together in productive, progression, and collaborative ways.
   Think about how you want the school year to begin, and make it happen.  Let me know if I can help in any way.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Implementing the U.S. Department of Education's School Safety Report... Beginning THIS Year

Resources to Prepare your School at the Policy, Procedure, and Practice Levels:  Completing Safety Audits, Teaching School Area Routines, Passing Teasing/Bullying Policies, and Creating Relationships 

Dear Colleagues,  

   Well. . . with the summer winding down, many of us are focusing our attention on preparing for a new and successful school year.
   As we do this, it is important to reflect on a number of related areas that have been especially highlighted over the past six to eight months:
   ***  Keeping our schools safe and secure

   ***  Establishing positive school climates--- that minimize teasing, taunting, bullying, harassment, hazing, and acts of physical aggression

   ***  Making school discipline, classroom management, and student self-management activities more prominent across school, school, and students 

   ***  Implementing behavioral accountability systems that eliminate disproportionate office discipline referrals and school suspension
   ***  Focusing more on interventions that change students' inappropriate behavior (when it exists), and less on punishments and placements that move the problems "out of sight"
   Most of these areas were addressed in the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and Justice (DOJ) School Discipline Guidance Package released this past January:
as well as in the Council of State Governments' Justice Center released a new report, The School Discipline Consensus Report:  Strategies from the Field to Keep Students Engaged in School and Out of the Juvenile Justice System.  
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Today's Focus--  FREE School Discipline Resources to Prepare for the New Year

   In order to address these different areas for the coming school year, it is important to take some or all of the following steps (accompanied by some of our most-popular resources) now, during the staff preparation week before the school year begins, and during the first day and week of the new school year:

    1.  Right now--before all of the staff and students return-- would be a great time to conduct a School Safety Audit and to make sure that your Emergency/Crisis Management and Response protocols are in place.  This should be coordinated with your district leaders, as well as with your local First Responders.

   To assist in this area, feel free to download the FREE School Safety and Emergency/Crisis Prevention Audit Technical Assistance Paper that is half-way down the following web-page:

   2.  Also right now, it is important to make sure that you have all of the rules--  or behavioral expectations-- prepared and posted in your common school areas (hallways, bathrooms, buses, playgrounds, common gathering areas, cafeteria, etc.).  These expectations should simply tell students what appropriate behavior they need to do in each of these areas.
   For example, appropriate hallway behavior could be as simple as:
   "Eyes forward, hands by your side, mouth quiet, 
    walk to the right, watch out for others around you"
   Cafeteria behavior would describe appropriate behavior and interactions:
   In the line. . . In the serving area getting food 
   Sitting down and eating. . . and Cleaning up and 
   Leaving the cafeteria

    Typically, the School Discipline Committee sets up these expectations with the school administrators, and all students are taught these expectations--  with behavioral practice and walk-throughs--  on the first day and week(s) of the school year.
   For more information about this area of school safety-- which often also addresses teasing, taunting, bullying, harassment, and physical aggression--  incidents that often occur in the common school areas, please watch the following webinar:
Keeping Common School Areas Safe
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   3.  During the staff planning days before the first day of school, all staff need to be trained on the most essential crisis and emergency procedures established at the administrative level (see #1 above), and discussions need to occur as to when students will be taught and will practice these procedures.

   Similarly, the School Discipline Committee can brief the staff on the common school area expectations (see #2 above), and discuss how and when students will be taught these procedures.
   Beyond this, it is strongly encouraged that staff discuss the district's policy on cyber-bullying, and that decisions are made as to when this issue will be discussed with students from (at least) Grade 3 through High School.

   This relates directly to district policies specifically related to Teasing, Bullying, and Harassment-- including Cyber-bullying.   

   Schools and districts may want to review our free Sample School District Policy Brief in these areas.  This document was written after an extensive review of state laws or educational regulations across the country in these areas, as well as school board policies from over 20 model school districts.  This TA paper is the third entry on the following web-page:


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   4.  Finally, during the first weeks of the school year, it is important for administrators to be present in the classrooms and the common school areas to reinforce both staff and student behaviors relative to school safety and discipline, classroom management, and student self-management.

   In the classroom, one tool that can help organize administrators' (or others') observations in these areas is a Behavioral Classroom Walk-through.  Through our Positive Behavioral Support System (PBSS) work in Arkansas, we developed a Behavioral Walk-through protocol that is free to you, and can be found about two-thirds down the following web-page link:

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  Clearly, there are many school-wide discipline activities that could occur before and during the first days of the school year, but we have tried to highlight the ones that we believe are most important and realistic.  To read about others--  organized in a three-year Positive Behavioral Support Implementation Blueprint, feel free to download our free PBSS Implementation Guidebook.

(Click on the Link below;  Find the document titled:  PBSS School Implement Fact Sheet)    
   This recently updated 100+ page resource has the following sections:
  • The Components of an Effective Positive Behavioral Support System (PBSS)
  • A Step-by-Step PBSS Implementation Blueprint
  • Professional Development Approaches and Resources
  • Evaluation and Outcomes
  • Appendices
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   I hope that these resources will be useful to you.  More important, I hope that your preparations for the new school year result in the positive school and classroom climates and relationships that are needed so that students and staff work together in productive, progression, and collaborative ways.
   Think about how you want the school year to begin, and make it happen.  Let me know if I can help in any way.