Saturday, September 26, 2020

The Seven High-Hit Reasons for Students’ Challenging Behavior: Functional Behavioral Assessment and Why Schools Don’t Climb into the 21st Century

When Personal Agendas Overrule Effective Practices

[CLICK HERE for the Full Blog Article]

Dear Colleagues,


   I hope you are doing well. . . and that your school year (such as it is) is also going well.

   Last Wednesday, I presented a webinar on The Seven High-Hit Reasons for Students’ Challenging Behavior: Functional Assessment for the 21st Century to over 3,500 educators from across the world. For schools with students demonstrating social, emotional, or behavioral upsets (or not enough appropriate prosocial, emotional, or behavioral interactions), this is a critical topic.

   The webinar promotion described the session as follows:

For students with significant social, emotional, and/or behavioral issues, Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) are sometimes a part of the assessment process. However, many FBAs still are completed using approaches that have existed since the 1970s, they focus on a narrow operant perspective of behavior that does not incorporate over 40 years of biologically- and psychologically-based research, and hence, they may result in questionable conclusions and recommendations.


This presentation describes the seven “high-hit” reasons why students present with behavioral challenges, discussing how to assess these reasons as part of a “21st Century” functional behavioral assessment.  It also demonstrates how to link each high-hit functional assessment reason with specific social, emotional, or behavioral interventions. The tiers in such a multi-tiered system will be defined based on the intensity of services and supports. Thus, most of the discussion will center on what should be the Tier II level of strategies and interventions. 


Critically, most “traditional” FBAs assess—at most—only two of the seven high-hit types (i.e., students with motivational or emotional difficulties).  This presentation will assert that some student behavior does not have a specific motivational function.  Thus, a traditional FBA is not always helpful to the assessment process.

   After the webinar, I received the questions and comments collected in the Chatbox. One comment was from a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) who felt that I disrespected her and her colleagues during the presentation.

   As I read her comment, it seemed that she heard me say “BCBA” every time I said “FBA.”

   In reality, I mentioned BCBAs only once during the entire hour-long presentation. I identified them as members of the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Team who—with school counselors, psychologists, and social workers—are the professionals most-often involved in assessing and addressing behaviorally challenging students’ concerns.

   Thus, the offended BCBA’s misperceptions of my FBA discussion was troubling.

   And yet, I find that misperceptions like this one are common in districts and schools.

   Today, I would like to outline my Seven High-Hit presentation, and then address the issue of MTSS members who hold their methodologies “so close to their hearts” that they sometimes lose the professional objectivity needed to help MTSS Teams “move into the 21st Century.”

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Important Functional Assessment Principles

   First of all, let me re-state that, when I discuss functional assessment in this Blog, I am referring to the data-based assessments that determine the root causes of students’ social, emotional, or behavioral challenges.

   A Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is but one specific approach within a broad assortment of different data-collection approaches in a functional assessment.

   Critically, if we do not accurately determine the underlying causes of a students’ challenging behavior through the functional assessment process, we cannot discriminate symptoms from actual problems, and we cannot link the assessment results to the strategic or intensive services, supports, strategies, or interventions needed to solve or resolve the problems at-hand.

   Note that this is exactly what doctors, car mechanics, and electricians do.

   They complete diagnostic, functional assessments to determine why a patient is running a 93-degree fever, a car will not start, or a fuse continues to blow, and they link the assessment results with appropriate interventions. Moreover, they tailor their assessments to the apparent (or discovered) problems.

   Indeed, they do not do just their favorite assessments. And they do not bypass the assessment process— trying, instead, random interventions that might make the problem worse.

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   To guide any functional assessment process, the following scientifically-based principles and practices should be heeded:

  • Principle 1. The functional assessment process begins when a classroom teacher has concerns about a student’s behavior and/or social or emotional interactions, involves the student’s parents or guardians, discusses the concerns with the student, and implements (as appropriate) targeted classroom management interventions.

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  • Principle 2. If needed, the classroom teachers may consult with other general education colleagues, or they may begin to work with one or more members of the multi-disciplinary MTSS Team.

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  • Principle 3. Diagnostic or functional assessments evaluate students and their past and present instructional settings and interactions. This helps differentiate student-centered social, emotional, or behavioral concerns vs. setting-student interactional concerns vs. concerns due to largely environmental, instructional, or situational conditions.

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  • Principle 4. As above, diagnostic or functional assessments to determine why a student is not making progress or is exhibiting social, emotional, and/or behavioral concerns should occur prior to any Tier 2 or Tier 3 student-focused interventions. These assessments should begin as soon as a student concern is recognized (i.e., during Tier I). 

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  • Principle 5. When Tier 2 or 3 interventions do not work, the diagnostic or functional assessment process should be revisited, focusing on whether (a) the student’s problem was identified accurately, or has changed; (b) the assessment results correctly determined the underlying reasons  for the problem; (c) the correct instructional or intervention approaches were selected; (d) the correct instructional or intervention approaches were implemented with the integrity and intensity needed; and/or (e) the student needs additional or different services, supports, strategies, or programs.

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  • Principal 6. The “tiers” in a multi-tiered system of supports reflect the intensity of services, supports, strategies, or interventions needed by the student of-concern. The availability of different services and supports in a school or district often determines where they are “placed” in the three-tiered continuum.

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[CLICK HERE to Read the Detailed Commentary on these Principles in the Full Blog Article]

   With these functional assessment principles as a guide, let’s discuss the Seven High-Hit Reasons underlying many students’ challenging social, emotional, or behavioral interactions.

   Critically, these Seven High-Hit Reasons are largely student-centered reasons. Thus, please note that this Blog discussion does not also focus on the underlying reasons (see Principle 3 above) that occur due to setting-student interactions, and/or environmental, instructional, or situational conditions, respectively.

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The Seven High-Hit Reasons for Students’ Challenging Behavior

   Any analysis of the underlying reasons for a student’s social, emotional, and/or behavioral challenges must investigate the presence of one or more of the seven high-hit reasons for these challenges. This analysis involves (a) the use of different data-collection tools, tests, and/or procedures, that (b) are completed by different respondents, and that (c) evaluate the students’ behavior in multiple settings. All functional assessment tools or processes must generate both reliable and valid data.

   The Seven High-Hit Reasons are:

  •  High Hit #1: Skill Deficits. These are students with social, emotional, and/or behavioral skill deficits who are not demonstrating enough or appropriate interpersonal, social problem-solving, conflict prevention or resolution, and/or emotional control, communication, or coping skills.

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  • High Hit #2: Speed of Acquisition. Here, students are learning the social skills being taught, but their speed of learning and mastery is slower than other same-aged students. This may occur during the social skill lessons themselves, and/or in a cumulative way over time.

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  • High Hit #3: Generalization. These students are learning their social, emotional, and behavioral skills at the time of instruction or in an isolated way, but they are not integrating, transferring, applying, or generalizing this “learning” to “real life” situations. For example, some of these students may be learning and using their social skills in one school setting, with one teacher, or with one group of peers. . . but not in all or most school settings, with all or most teachers and adults, or all or most groups of peers or student groups.

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  • High Hit #4: Attributions or Conditions of Emotionality. These students have internal beliefs, attitudes, expectations, or attributions that interfere with their ability to demonstrate their social skills, and/or  they are unable to perform these skills when experiencing different conditions of emotionality.

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  • High Hit #5: Motivation. These students have learned and mastered their social, emotional, and behavioral skills. . . they just choose either not to use them or to abuse them. This is a motivational issue, and the assessment goal is to determine what “function” the inappropriate behavior has for each individual student.

Under extreme circumstances, this is where many schools— appropriately—conduct Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) as part of the data-based functional assessment process.

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  • High Hit #6: Inconsistency. These students have experienced enough inconsistency in one or more areas that their prosocial interactions vary across people, settings, or times of the day; or their inappropriate behaviors have been incorrectly reinforced.

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  • High Hit #7: Special Situations. These students have one or more significant, intense, unique, specialized, or individualized situations or circumstances that are interfering with their social, emotional, or behavioral learning or performance.

These circumstances may occur in the common areas of a school (which have different social-ecological dynamics than classroom settings).

These circumstances may involve frequent, persistent, or significantly negative peer interactions like teasing, taunting, bullying, harassment, hazing, or physical/emotional aggression.

Or, these circumstances may involve specific student, community, or home situations like physical or medical issues, mental health issues, disabilities, racial prejudice or bias, toxic stress or significant trauma, physical or sexual abuse, poverty or homelessness, or other family issues or events at home.

[CLICK HERE to Read the Detailed Commentary on the Seven High-Hit Reasons in the Full Blog Article]

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Why FBAs Do Not Assess the Seven High-Hit Reasons Above

   While subtly addressed in the section above, it must be emphasized that the root causes of students’ social, emotional, or behavioral challenges must be linked to needed strategic or intensive services, supports, strategies, or interventions (and therapies).

   Unfortunately, this does not occur in many schools and districts. . . as they are missing the comprehensive multi-tiered science-to-practice approaches that reflect a 21st century approach to functional assessment, and their strategic and intensive services and supports are extremely limited.

   But beyond this, for students with significant challenges, many schools use Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) as the foundation of their root cause analyses—even when the FBA cannot answer the questions directly related to the student concern.

   To be more specific, FBAs most often answer the question, “What is the function of this inappropriate behavior for/to the student, what conditions are triggering the behavior, and what contingencies are reinforcing it such that it continues to occur?”

   Typically, the most common FBA hypotheses underlying students’ inappropriate behavior focus on (a) their need for attention, control, approval, escape, or communication; or (b) their resistance, self-stimulation, noncompliance, and dependence.

   The point here is: For an inappropriate behavior to have a “function,” there is a presumption that the behavior is motivated or planful. If this is true, then an FBA can only answer questions that confirm a High-Hit #5 Reason for an inappropriate behavior.

   Said a different way: If a student’s inappropriate behavior is largely self-generated, an FBA does not answer the questions needed to evaluate whether the behavior is occurring due to High-Hit #1, #2, #3, #4, #6, and #7.

   As Mark Twain said, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

   Translating: If all a school has or does is an FBA to explain a student’s inappropriate behavior, it is likely that the results will point to a motivational reason or function for the behavior. . . even if one does not exist.

   In my experience, I have read too many inaccurate FBA reports that have “forced” the data into conclusions about student motivations that either did not exist or did not accurately explain the reasons for a student’s inappropriate behavior.

   Indeed, let’s remember that some student behaviors are due to organic, genetic, physiological, neurological, biochemical, or hormonal conditions or imbalances. And because these conditions are not always visible, some students’ inappropriate behaviors look (and may be) random.

   At the very least, most biologically-based behaviors do not have an underlying motivational function. I have worked with very few students who want to be impulsive, emotionally reactive, or physiologically out of control.

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When MTSS Professionals Feel “Disrespected

   And now, back to our “disrespected” BCBA.

   In the introduction to this piece, I noted that—after my webinar—I received feedback from a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) who felt that I disrespected her and her colleagues by critiquing and contextualizing the FBA process within the Seven High-Hit Reasons for students’ challenging behavior.

   In retrospect, I believe that she heard me say “BCBA” every time I said “FBA” because, in reality, I mentioned BCBAs only once during the entire hour-long presentation—and the reference was related to the MTSS Team, not to FBAs.

   While the Seven High-Hit discussion above might persuade many districts and schools to review, reconsider, and renovate their MTSS Team processes, some MTSS Teams, unfortunately, will not undergo this self-evaluation (at all or effectively) because one or two members overtly, covertly, or unconsciously sabotage the effort.

   This often occurs when personal agendas or a lack of professional knowledge or objectivity either (a) diminishes a Team member’s openness to new information and learning, or (b) motivates that member to undermine the Team’s self-evaluation process.

   Robert Glazer, an organizational management expert, discusses this situation as the “Feedback of One.”

   He states:

I believe feedback is essential. It is one of the best ways for individuals and organizations to uncover their blind spots, correct their course of action, and take advantage of opportunities to improve. Generally, we don’t ask for, or receive, enough direct feedback

However, there is one type of feedback that’s often better to ignore: “Feedback of One.”


“Feedback of One” is an outlier. When a single person or very small group is dissatisfied, that’s often due to their specific needs or wants. That person’s singular response may be irrelevant, or even contrary, to what the majority values. And in some cases, that respondent may just have a fundamental disagreement with the individual or organization’s core value proposition.


It’s impossible to make everyone happy. Each of us has to decide who we want to make happy. Overreacting to a single voice or vocal faction carries as much risk as ignoring feedback, especially when people want to change the exact thing that many other people value.

For me, it is not just about a group consensus. It is about the Six Principles of functional assessment that we discussed earlier in this Blog, and about the need to always advocate for the children and adolescents who we serve.

[CLICK HERE to Read the Recommendations to Prevent or Address these Negative Effects in the Full Blog Article]

   At times, some schools and MTSS Teams may benefit from an outside consultant to help them overcome these effects.

   Remember: Very few educators have ever been trained in these organizational management, group process, and Feedback of One areas. MTSS Teams often do not know what they do not know. . . they do the best that they can given the skills that they have.

   But, critically, a lack of training does not excuse a Team when its processes do not result in effective and successful services, supports, strategies, interventions, and outcomes for all students.

   This is especially true for those students who struggle with social, emotional, or behavioral challenges. . . challenges that could be successfully decreased, eliminated, or changed with the right assessments and the right services and supports.

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   I hope that this Blog has provided a comprehensive perspective of the principles and (seven high-hit) practices needed to conduct effective functional assessments for students with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges.

   I appreciate the time that you invest in reading these Blogs, and your dedication to your students, your colleagues, and the educational process.

   Please feel free to send me your thoughts and questions. 

   And please know that I continue to work with schools across the country... helping them to maximize the effectiveness and outcomes from their multi-tiered systems of support.

   I would love to work with your school or district. Feel free to contact me at any time.




Saturday, September 5, 2020

Celebrating Our Labors on Labor Day . . . While Recognizing the Contribution of White Privilege


Dear Colleagues,

[CLICK HERE for the Full Blog Article]


   Earlier this week, I was on a conference call with a superintendent who is leading one of our five-year federal School Climate Transformation Grants. As we eased into our agenda, she said, “I have never worked as hard as a superintendent as this year.”

   She continued to describe all of the meetings and planning that she and her Leadership Team had completed this past summer, in the midst of the pandemic, to craft different back-to-school scenarios, schedules, and staffing approaches. . . all to address the varied needs of her students and families.

   And then, after spending most of the summer in recess, her State Legislature reconvened and, with virtually no educator input, made the Superintendent’s plans largely obsolete.

   While frustrated, she sighed. . . knowing that the District’s plans would be redesigned, and that her students and families would still receive “full value.”

   Booker T. Washington said, “Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work.”

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Celebrating Our Labors

   Historically, Labor Day became a national holiday in 1894 as “a general holiday for the laboring classes”—a way to celebrate those in the working class and, especially, those who were union members.

   As I thought about my colleague, the superintendent described above, I reflected on those educators who have “labored” so conscientiously over the past months of this pandemic. . . and those who have indirectly contributed to keep our educational systems open and working.

   And so, on this Labor Day weekend, I would like to celebrate:

  • The superintendents, administrators, and office staff—many of whom, this past Spring and on top of their education-specific responsibilities, turned their districts into food distribution centers to make sure that students were fed;
  • The support staff—including the school technology and transportation departments—who canvassed their communities just to locate some students, while connecting other students to computers and hot spots;
  •  The related service professionals (counselors, social workers, school psychologists, nurses, and others) who checked in with sequestered students to ensure their health, mental health, and wellness—providing needed social, emotional, and behavioral services and supports;
  • The teachers, intervention specialists, and paraprofessionals who learned new technologies, adapted their approaches to curriculum and instruction, balanced their own personal and professional lives, and rededicated themselves to their students and their craft; and
  • The parents, guardians, and caretakers at home who, once again, became their children’s “first teachers” while attending to their other roles and responsibilities.

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Labor Day—But Not For All

   But while celebrating our colleagues in education above, we still need to recognize the embedded issues of race and equity that have been especially highlighted by the pandemic.

   In fact, during the time when Labor Day became a national celebration of the American worker in 1894, many of the atrocities historically experienced by African Americans in this country were redoubled.

   According to a historical account of the 1890s by the Jim Crow Museum of Racists Memorabilia:  

[CLICK HERE for this Quoted and the Full Blog Article]

   So. . . at a time when unions were expanding their influence and advocacy for working class Americans, the prejudice, hate, and vitriol toward African-American citizens was expanding and becoming institutionalized.

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Reflecting on White Privilege

   In the 125 years since Labor Day became a national holiday, many things have changed relative to race relations in our country, yet many things remain the same. 

   Indeed, the ability (due to the closing of polling places in many low-income areas) and the right to vote in 2020 for African-Americans remains at-risk. For example, last week, the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia released a report documenting that 198,351 Georgia voters who supposedly moved from their registration addresses were wrongly purged from that state’s voter rolls. This represented a 63.3% error rate—with the cancellations concentrated among younger citizens and citizens of color.

   While not by law, many school districts have become re-segregated, and an April, 2019 Report by the Shanker Institute, The Adequacy and Fairness of State School Finance Systems, documented a cumulative state education funding gap in this country of $23 billion per year favoring white over non-white districts. This funding gap is experienced by approximately 12.8 million of our nation’s students.

   Finally, many Black Americans would argue that lynchings have not stopped in America—especially given the violent deaths of too many black citizens at the hands of police around the country. Indeed, while Black Americans account for less than 13% of the U.S. population, they are shot and killed by police more than twice as often as white Americans.

   Clearly, the calls to acknowledge the implicit and explicit racial prejudice in our country—now and over 400 years, and the calls for real and systemic change have been loud, sustained, and passionate this Spring and Summer.

   And yet, while many of us—who are White—have joined the chorus, we cannot fully understand how our white privilege has directly and indirectly opened doors for us and benefitted our lives.

   And others—who are White—continue to “miss the mark” by asserting that “All lives matter,” while misunderstanding why “Black lives matter.”

   To me, it comes down to the following two perspectives.

   As a father of two White sons, I had to give a number of “talks”. . . about drugs, sex, alcohol, respect for authority, and always doing one’s best.

   But I never had to give the following “talk” because of my white privilege.

[CLICK HERE for this Video in the Full Blog Article]

   And as a son, I had to assure my mother that I would be home at a certain hour, that I would call her from College every week, and that I would try to make her proud.

   But I never had to assure my mother in the following way. . . because of my white privilege.

[CLICK HERE for this Video in the Full Blog Article]

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   Labor Day is supposed to be a time of family barbeques, relaxation, and a celebration of the end of summer.

   But this year. . . with a pandemic, the killing of too many Black brothers and sisters at the hands of the police, and a divisive presidential election mixed in, there is anger, hurt, confusion, and polarization across our country.

   I do not expect this article to “change the world,” or help our country to get “back on track.”

   I do not expect some of my colleagues, after watching the videos above, to understand our Black- and African-American colleagues any better, or to change their perspectives of what it’s like to grow up Black in America.

   But. . . I did want to share my reflections this weekend. . . with honesty, humility, and hope.



[CLICK HERE for the Full Blog Article]