Strong Schools to Strengthen Student Outcomes—A Summer Review of Previous Blogs (III of IV)
Dear Colleagues,
As our long, hot
summer continues, I hope you are doing well.
If you keep up with
my Blogs, you know that I am devoting my “Summer Series” to helping you to
read, re-read, or re-conceptualize my most-popular Blogs by organizing them in
a thematic way.
To be more
specific, I have reviewed and organized virtually all of these popular Blogs
(available to over 250,000 educators across the nation) into four clusters:
* School
Improvement, Strategic Planning, and Effective School and Schooling Policies
and Practices
* The New Every
Student Succeeds Act (ESEA/ESSA), and Multi-Tiered and Special Education
* Students’ Mental
Health Status and Wellness, and School Discipline and Disproportionality
* School Climate
and Safety, and School Discipline and Classroom Management
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The Summer Series
began on June 17 focusing on the Blogs that broadly addressed School
[CLICK HERE to read the June 17 Blog on School Improvement].
The Series continued
on July 1 with a Blog on ESEA/ESSA and Multi-tiered and Special Education
[CLICK HERE to read the July 1 Blog on ESEA/ESSA and Multi-tiered Services].
The Series will
conclude on July 29 with a synthesis of my School Climate, Discipline, and
Classroom Management Blogs.
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But today, this
message discusses my past Blogs addressing “Students’ Mental Health Status and
Wellness, and School Discipline and Disproportionality.”
Below, I provide
you with the Dates and Titles of past Blog messages in this cluster—so
you can look up and read at your “summer leisure” those that particularly
interest you.
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In addition, I
continue (immediately below) the discussion—begun in the June 17 and continued
in the July 1 blogs—of the essential elements of Project ACHIEVE ( The first installment discussed an overview
of Project ACHIEVE, while the second installment addressed Project ACHIEVE’s
goals and model.
Briefly, Project
ACHIEVE is the evidence-based national model school improvement program (as
designated in 2000 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration—SAMHSA) that I have developed
over the past 30 years, and that is the foundation behind my thinking, writing,
and practice.
components have been implemented in “Great to Greater” through “Needs
Improvement” preschools through high schools nationwide—as well as in
alternative, residential treatment, juvenile justice, special education, and
other specialized school centers.
Today, I will
provide a brief description of the first four of the seven interdependent
evidence-based components that guide Project ACHIEVE’s school improvement
In total, Project
ACHIEVE’s seven interdependent components are:
* Strategic
Planning and Organizational Analysis and Development
* Multi-tiered Problem
Solving, Response-to-Intervention, Teaming, and Consultation Processes
* Effective School,
Schooling, and Professional Development
* Multi-tiered Academic
Instruction linked to Academic Assessment, Intervention, and Achievement
* Multi-tiered Positive
Behavioral Support/Behavioral Instruction linked to Behavioral Assessment,
Intervention, and Self-Management
* Parent and
Community Involvement, Training, Support, and Outreach
* Data Management,
Evaluation, and Accountability
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The First Four
Project ACHIEVE School Improvement Components
Project ACHIEVE is
an innovative school reform and school improvement program that has been
implemented in schools and school districts in every state in the country since
1990. To date, one or more of its
components have been presented to thousands of schools nationwide—in schools
ranging from urban to suburban to rural, and from the lowest performing to the
highest performing schools in the nation.
At its core,
Project ACHIEVE provides implementation blueprints that are based on
research-proven and empirically-demonstrated effective practices woven together
into an implementation process that works.
Initially, we work
with schools to complete a comprehensive needs assessment and resource analysis
to determine their current needs, the approaches they are using that are
working, the gaps that are preventing them from improving further, and the
strategic goals and outcomes that are indicated or desired.
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Below are brief
descriptions of the first four Project ACHIEVE components:
The Strategic Planning and Organizational Analysis and
Development Component
This component initially
focuses on assessing the organizational climate, administrative style, staff
decision-making, and other interactive and interpersonal processes in a
school. Activities then move into
identifying and reinforcing, or establishing and implementing the
organizational policies, procedures, and cyclical approaches that support the
academic and social-emotional/ behavioral success of all students.
The ultimate
“product” of this component are three- and one-year School Improvement Plans
that help schools build capacity and autonomy, identify and focus resources,
facilitate stability and sustainability, and realize student, staff, and system
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The Multi-tiered Problem Solving,
Response-to-Intervention, Teaming, and Consultation Processes Component
This component focuses
on consistent, school-wide data-based, functional assessment, problem-solving
approaches that all staff learn and use when developing effective instructional
processes. Activities here also address
students who are not responding to effective classroom instruction and behavior
management—leading to needed strategic or intensive evidence- or research-based
instruction or interventions.
This “Response-to-Instruction-and-Intervention”
element emphasizes a “problem-solving, consultation, intervention” mode of
operation that directly contrasts with past “wait-to-fail” and
“refer-test-place” approaches, and it is applied with students experiencing
academic and/or behavioral concerns.
This component is
largely implemented through our proprietary building-level SPRINT team (School
Prevention, Review, and Intervention Team) process that involves multidisciplinary
professionals who help provide early intervention services, as much as
possible, in general education classrooms.
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The Effective School, Schooling, and Professional
Development Component
This component focuses
on processes that ensure that effective and differentiated instruction, and
effective and positive behavior management occurs in every classroom for every
student. This involves all teachers,
administrators, related service professionals, and other support staff in a school. Anchoring the activities in this component is
effective professional development that targets specific areas of knowledge and
professional development occurs, formally and informally, every day for every
staff person in a school—as they engage in systematically planned and implemented
programs and processes geared toward increased knowledge and understanding,
enhanced skill and skill-application, and eventual independent confidence and competence.
This occurs through
in-service instruction, and a clinical supervision approach that involves
modeling, guided practice, informed feedback, planned applications, and the
transfer of training. Ultimately, as
with other Project ACHIEVE components, the primary goal is to maximize
students' attention to task, academic engaged time, positive practice repetitions,
and academic and behavioral achievement.
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The Academic Instruction linked to Academic Assessment,
Intervention, and Achievement Component
This component focuses
on positively impacting the “Instructional Environment” in every classroom
within a school. The Instructional
Environment consists of three interdependent domains: Teacher-Instructional
processes, Curriculum-focused processes, and Student Learning processes. Critically, this component initially
addresses the presence of effective, differentiated instruction for all
students, ongoing progress monitoring, and evaluations that tracks students’
mastery of academic material over time.
When students are
not progressing or mastering curricular content or skills, functional,
curriculum-based assessments are conducted whereby teachers identify and
analyze (a) relevant curricular and instructional variables and their
relationship to student achievement outcomes; (b) assess curricular (i.e.,
scope and sequence) placement and performance expectations and outcomes; and (c)
complete curricular task analyses and student mastery checks. These diagnostic assessments eventually are linked
to strategic interventions that use, as much as possible, direct instruction
and mastery-focused strategies.
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Students’ Mental
Health Status and Wellness, and School Discipline and Disproportionality
While the
relationship between students’ mental health and wellness is discussed
frequently in our professional (and popular) press, their connection with
students’ social, emotional, and behavioral interactions is often missed. The same is true relative to national reports
and research on school discipline and the disproportionate referrals of
students from minority backgrounds and with disabilities, respectively, to the
principal’s office (and beyond) due to misbehavior.
Over the past three
years, I have written a number of Blogs critiquing policy-levels “fixes” in the
areas of school discipline and disproportionality that (a) ignore the psychology
of human behavior, and (b) do not discriminate between students’ with
discipline problems and students with situational, disability-related, or other
problems. I have also discussed a number
of band-wagons (e.g., mindfulness and trauma) that educators need to be wary
Below is a list of
the Dates and Titles of the Blogs addressing topics in these areas. To find the Complete Blog Cited Below:
Please go to the right-hand side of
this Blog page. There you will find a Blog
Archive. Using that Archive, pull
down the month and year of the Blog you are interested in, and click on
the Blog’s title to link to the original message.
Here are the Past
School Discipline and Disproportionality
May 14, 2017: The Endrew F.
Decision Re-Defines a “Free Appropriate Public Education" (FAPE) for
Students with Disabilities: A Multi-Tiered School Discipline, Classroom
Management, and Student Self-Management Model to Guide Your FAPE (and even
Disproportionality) Decisions (Part III)
February 19, 2017: Federal and State
Policies ARE NOT Eliminating Teasing and Bullying in Our Schools: Teasing
and Bullying is Harming our Students Psychologically and Academically—Here’s
How to Change this Epidemic through Behavioral Science and Evidence-based
November 13, 2016: Beating Kids in
Schools: How Corporal Punishment Reinforces Bias, Violence, Trauma, Poor
Social Problem-Solving, and the Fallacy of Intervention. . . The
Alternative? Eliminate Corporal Punishment by Preventing its Need, and
Implementing Interventions that Actually Change Student Behavior
September 25, 2016: U.S. Department of
Education Reminds Educators about Positive Behavioral Interventions and
Supports for Students with Disabilities: But. . . Watch Out for Their
Recommendations and References
August 20, 2016: From One Extreme to the
Other: Changing School Policy from “Zero Tolerance” to “Total Tolerance”
Will Not Work. . . Decreasing Disproportionate Discipline Referrals and
Suspensions Requires Changing Student and Staff Behavior
June 21, 2015: School Disproportionality
and the Charleston Murders: Systemic
Change vs. State Statutes
March 15, 2015: Restorative Practices and
Reducing Suspensions: The Numbers Just Don’t Add Up
September 21, 2014: Minneapolis
Superintendent Bans Most Suspensions for their Youngest Students: What
Districts Need to do Instead of Suspending (Young) Students
September 6, 2014: New Superintendents’
Survey: Suspensions Do NOT Change Behavior— What does?
April 6, 2014: Preschoolers Most
Suspended Age Group: New Report and What It Means for You
March 9, 2014: Approaches to Eliminate
Disproportionality: New Study Reinforces State-wide Student Discipline
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Student Mental Health Status and Wellness
June 28, 2016: ADHD Students in
Schools: New CDC Data and Their Implications for Intervention
May 1, 2016: Parents and Students in
Jail: How do Schools Support Students with Parents in Jail, and Students
who--Themselves--are Incarcerated?
February 13, 2016: Reviewing Mindfulness
and Other Mind-Related Programs (Part II). More Bandwagons that
Need to be Derailed?
January 30, 2016: Reviewing
Mindfulness and Other Mind-Related Programs: Have We Just Lost our
Minds? (Part I). Why Schools Sometimes Waste their Time and (Staff)
Resources on Fads with Poor Research and Unrealistic Results.
October 11, 2014: Another Federal Push…
What’s the Deal with Trauma Sensitive Schools?
August 17, 2014: Beginning the New School
Year on the Right Foot: Why Classroom Routines, Behaviorally Disordered
Students, and the Brain Matter
July 22, 2014: Student Mental Health and
Wellness: What the New RWJ Foundation Report Means for You
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I hope you find
these Blogs important and meaningful to your work.
Meanwhile, I always
look forward to your comments. . . whether on-line or via e-mail.
If I can help you
in any of the areas discussed in this and these Blog messages, I am always
happy to provide a free one-hour consultation conference call to help
you clarify your needs and directions on behalf of your students,
staff/colleagues, school(s), and district.
Please accept my
best wishes for the continuation of your safe, restful, and fun summer !!!