Using ESEA/ESSA’s New
Flexibility to Replace the U.S. Department of Education’s Ineffective NCLB
Dear Colleagues,
Why Students Don't Behave: Because We are not Teaching Them the
Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Skills that They Need
Honestly, across all of the social media outlets, the Blog received over 25,000 hits.
And that's great. . . .
Except helping districts, schools, and educators with content and information is just the first step in the school improvement process. The real work involves the planning, preparation, implementation, and evaluation.
And when schools and districts get to these steps, there are many voices, viewpoints, and vendors. . . and invariably, they also look to their (state and federal) Departments of Education.
This is because:
* They want to stay "in compliance" so that they don't have to deal with additional paperwork, time-consuming audits, costly compliance visits, and incessant questions;
* They assume that the leaders in these departments know what they are talking about; and/or
* The leaders in these departments make it appear that they know what they are talking about, or that it would be "in the district/school's best interests" to follow the department's technical assistance lead.
[Trust me, I know this. . . I worked for a state department of education running a multi-million dollar federal state improvement grant for 13 years.]
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Why We Need to Question State and Federal Leaders to Improve our Schools
Believe it or not, to rethink the process of school improvement and success, we need to take the lead of our current Congress.
When Congress reauthorized the new Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA-- also known as ESSA, the "Every Student Succeeds Act"), they were clear in saying that:
* Previous federally-directed school improvement approaches did not work
* Previous federally-directed approaches to reading and math instruction, teacher certification and evaluation, school climate and bullying, disproportionality, and the school-to-alternative program-to-juvenile-justice-to-prison pipeline were not working;
* The U.S. Secretary of Education (representing the Department of Education) should not have the authority to (over-) interpret the federal law and dictate educational policy and practice for the country; and
* States, Districts, and Schools need to be primarily responsible and accountable for their own school climate and engagement, their own staff training and supervision, and their own student outcomes and proficiency (under the law)
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And so, taking the lead of Congress, we need to similarly question the existing programs that have been used and advocated by the U.S. Department of Education (largely through our state department of education). . .
And we need to embrace the ESEA challenge (especially as our state departments of education prepare to implement the law- - largely at the beginning of the next school year) to make sure that we comprehensively re-think, re-tailor, and retrofit the process of education in our local schools and districts.
But we need to do this on a factual basis.
Honestly, across all of the social media outlets, the Blog received over 25,000 hits.
And that's great. . . .
Except helping districts, schools, and educators with content and information is just the first step in the school improvement process. The real work involves the planning, preparation, implementation, and evaluation.
And when schools and districts get to these steps, there are many voices, viewpoints, and vendors. . . and invariably, they also look to their (state and federal) Departments of Education.
This is because:
* They want to stay "in compliance" so that they don't have to deal with additional paperwork, time-consuming audits, costly compliance visits, and incessant questions;
* They assume that the leaders in these departments know what they are talking about; and/or
* The leaders in these departments make it appear that they know what they are talking about, or that it would be "in the district/school's best interests" to follow the department's technical assistance lead.
[Trust me, I know this. . . I worked for a state department of education running a multi-million dollar federal state improvement grant for 13 years.]
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Why We Need to Question State and Federal Leaders to Improve our Schools
Believe it or not, to rethink the process of school improvement and success, we need to take the lead of our current Congress.
When Congress reauthorized the new Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA-- also known as ESSA, the "Every Student Succeeds Act"), they were clear in saying that:
* Previous federally-directed school improvement approaches did not work
* Previous federally-directed approaches to reading and math instruction, teacher certification and evaluation, school climate and bullying, disproportionality, and the school-to-alternative program-to-juvenile-justice-to-prison pipeline were not working;
* The U.S. Secretary of Education (representing the Department of Education) should not have the authority to (over-) interpret the federal law and dictate educational policy and practice for the country; and
* States, Districts, and Schools need to be primarily responsible and accountable for their own school climate and engagement, their own staff training and supervision, and their own student outcomes and proficiency (under the law)
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And so, taking the lead of Congress, we need to similarly question the existing programs that have been used and advocated by the U.S. Department of Education (largely through our state department of education). . .
And we need to embrace the ESEA challenge (especially as our state departments of education prepare to implement the law- - largely at the beginning of the next school year) to make sure that we comprehensively re-think, re-tailor, and retrofit the process of education in our local schools and districts.
But we need to do this on a factual basis.
And, from
my perspective. . . we need to start by questioning, reworking, and (indeed)
rejecting the U.S. Department of Education's (USDoE) school improvement,
Response-to-Intervention (RtI), Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support
(PBIS), and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) frameworks, models,
procedures, and approaches.
This is
simply because both research and practice have consistently demonstrated that
the USDoE's School Improvement mandates, Response-to-Intervention
(RtI) approaches, and (UPPER CASE) Positive Behavioral Intervention and
Support (PBIS) framework - - pushed by their many incestuously-funded
National Technical Assistance (TA) Centers- - have not worked and, to the
degree they are continuing, will not work.
Here are
the data.
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The School Improvement
Track Record
From a
research-to-practice perspective, the school improvement results
from the last (especially) eight years of ARRA, the School Improvement Grant
(SIG) program, and NCLB's required school improvement "interventions"
were uneven at best.
These results were "anchored" by USDoE's four mandated transformation or take-over approaches (Congress later added a more flexible fifth option)- - three of which involved firing the building principal.
These results were "anchored" by USDoE's four mandated transformation or take-over approaches (Congress later added a more flexible fifth option)- - three of which involved firing the building principal.
None of
them demonstrated consistent, predictable, or sustained success.
example: while different analyses of the outcomes continue to be released, look
at an Education Week article analyzing the SIG results (November 12,
2015; "New SIG Data Serve Up Same Old Conclusion: Mixed Results")
- even at face value- - did anyone with any knowledge of how to run a
business really believe that these four global "improvement"
approaches were really going to consistently "turn-around" something
as complex- - politically, organizational, and functionally- - as a school. . .
and then sustain the success?
Evidently, the U.S. Department of Education did. . . using over $97.4 billion in taxpayer money (through ARRA, SIG, and Race-to-the-Top) between 2009 and 2011 alone.
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Evidently, the U.S. Department of Education did. . . using over $97.4 billion in taxpayer money (through ARRA, SIG, and Race-to-the-Top) between 2009 and 2011 alone.
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And even
when schools "successfully" turned-around, it was not due to the
selected transformation or take-over approach. Analyses showed that the
success was due to very specific, targeted, strategic strategies that were
embedded in the particular approach that was chosen.
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The Multi-Tiered RtI
Track Record
From a
research-to-practice perspective, was anyone surprised at the federally-sponsored
RtI report (Evaluation of Response to Intervention Practices for Elementary
School Reading; published November, 2015) demonstrating that first through
third grade students receiving literacy interventions using the U.S.
Department of Education's multi-tiered RtI intervention model actually
made less academic progress when compared to students experiencing
similar literacy gaps who stayed in their regular education programs?
this was a large-scale study with national practice implications. The
outcomes were based on approximately 24,000 first through third grade students
in 13 states that statistically compared 146 schools using the U.S. Department
of Education's RtI framework in literacy for at least three years with 100
randomly-selected comparison schools NOT using the RtI framework in the same 13
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The Multi-Tiered
School-wide Behavioral/PBIS Track Record
finally . . . from a research-to-practice perspective, is anyone
surprised at the continuing research data demonstrating that the USDoE
Office of Special Education Programs' (OSEP) Multi-tiered School-wide
Behavioral/ PBIS framework has demonstrated very few consistent,
sustained, comprehensive, and causally-based changes in student behavior- -
especially across a significant majority of the 19,000 PBIS schools that the
PBIS National TA Center says exist across the country?
As but
one example: In May, 2013, the U.S. Department of Education
commissioned and published a report School-Wide Positive Behavior Support
Framework: A Review of Approaches to Implementing the Framework, Tier I
Behavior Support Programs and Tier II Behavior Intervention Programs that
actually was "hidden" from the public-at-large.
That is,
rather than widely publicizing and disseminating this Report, it appeared only
as an Appendix to an RFP that- - amazingly- - is currently funding another $19
million grant (to two "insider" PBIS groups in Maryland and
Illinois) to validate the PBIS framework that the USDoE has been funding
since 1997, and that it continually cites as "evidence-based."
See Appendix A1 on the middle right-hand side of the page at the Link below:
See Appendix A1 on the middle right-hand side of the page at the Link below:
This study-
- and many others- - concluded that the PBIS framework has been used across the
country randomly, without implementation integrity, without
sustainability, that it has not positively impacted disproportionality,
and that it has actually delayed services and supports to the most
behaviorally-challenging students.
Don't you think that- - if you had 19,000 schools to draw from- - you could find 10 to 15% that were "successful"? . . . Even though those "statistical" successes could not be causally explained by the PBIS framework?
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Don't you think that- - if you had 19,000 schools to draw from- - you could find 10 to 15% that were "successful"? . . . Even though those "statistical" successes could not be causally explained by the PBIS framework?
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Once again,
especially under the new ESEA, schools need to focus less on decreasing
Office Discipline Referrals (a horribly unreliable piece of data anyways), and more
Increasing students' classroom engagement and academic success;
Increasing students' interpersonal, social problem-solving, conflict prevention
and resolution, and emotional coping skills;
Decreasing the disproportionate number of minority and special education
students who are sent to the Principal's Office for discipline and/or who are
suspended or expelled; and
Addressing the social, emotional, or behavioral needs of students with serious
and persistent needs- - including significant mental health needs.
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The New ESEA/ESSA: Replace the Multi-Tiered RtI and
School-wide Behavioral/PBIS Frameworks
As noted,
the recently-passed ESEA/ESSA has transferred much of the responsibility for
developing, implementing, and evaluating effective school and schooling
processes to state departments of education across the country.
And so, as
the new ESEA/ESSA has already "retired" the four mandated strategies
for school improvement, so too- - given the research and results- - state
departments of education (and their districts and schools) should similarly
retire the pre-existing MTSS Academic/RtI and School-wide
Behavioral/PBIS frameworks that have been singularly advocated (and
sometimes contingently funded) by the USDoE.
Indeed, as
state departments of education are now responsible for rethinking the school
improvement process for their least successful schools from the ground up. . .
. . . they
should revisit the research while identifying effective psychometric and
psychoeducational practices (see 10 examples below) and re-design their
(lowercase--as they are written in the law) multi-tiered systems of support
and positive behavioral intervention and support approaches- - again
from the ground up.
If state
education departments (or districts/schools) feel that they need
"permission" to do this, know that:
* The term
"RtI" or any of its derivatives never appears in the new
* The term
"multi-tiered system of supports" appears only five times
in the entire law. Moreover, the term is always written in lower case- -
(except where the term is the title for a section of the law), and the acronym
"MTSS" (designating a specific framework or model of
multi-tiered services) NEVER appears.
* The term
"positive behavioral interventions and supports" appears only
THREE times in the entire ESEA/ESSA law. Moreover, the term never
appears in UPPER CASE, the "PBIS" acronym never appears,
and the word "framework" (as in PBIS framework) NEVER
appears in the law.
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The new
ESEA/ESSA defines "multi-tier system of supports" as "a
comprehensive continuum of evidence-based, systemic practices to support a
rapid response to students' needs, with regular observation to facilitate
data-based instructional decision-making."
Relative to
the five times the term appears in the law, two appearances are in the
definition as above. The other three citations appear in sections where the law
talks about the need for all districts receiving ESEA funds to:
* "(F)
(D)evelop programs and activities that increase the ability of teachers to
effectively teach children with disabilities, including children with
significant cognitive disabilities, and English learners, which may include the
use of multi-tier systems of support and positive behavioral intervention and
supports, so that such children with disabilities and English learners can meet
the challenging State academic standards."
* "(4)
Provid(e) for a multi-tier system of supports for literacy services."
* Offer
professional development opportunities that "(xii) are designed to give
teachers of children with disabilities or children with development delays, and
other teachers and instructional staff, the knowledge and skills to provide
instruction and academic support services, to those children, including
positive behavioral interventions and supports, multi-tier system of supports,
and use of accommodations."
_ _ _ _ _
the term "positive behavioral intervention and supports" is
NEVER defined in the new law- - nor is a previous definition in law referenced.
Given my research and to my knowledge, this term has never been defined in law
or statute.
That aside,
two of the three times that this term appears in the law have been quoted
The third
appearance of the term is in the "Activities to Support Safe and
Healthy Students" section of the law where Section G states:
* "(G)
implementation of schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports,
including through coordination with similar activities carried out under the
Individual with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.), in order
to improve academic outcomes and school conditions for student learning."
that both ESEA and the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
ALWAYS use this term in the lower case. The term is NEVER capitalized
in either law, nor do they ever use the "PBIS" acronym.
Thus, the
USDoE's PBIS Framework is not required by either ESEA or IDEA (in contrast to public statements made by the
National PBIS TA Center).
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The New ESEA/ESSA: Scientific Principles to Include in any
Reconceptualized Multi-Tiered System
In 2012, I
wrote a technical assistance paper, National Concerns about RtI and PBIS:
A Review of Policy and Practice Recommendations Not Based on Research or
Effective Practice.
CLICK HERE for the TA Paper
[Look at the 2nd Entry on the Page]
[Look at the 2nd Entry on the Page]
In that TA
paper, I identified 10 multi-tiered system of supports/positive behavioral
intervention and support practices that either have been ignored by the USDoE
frameworks or approaches, or have been mistakenly adapted and used.
These 10
practices are summarized below. It is strongly recommended that these practices
be infused throughout any state's reconceptualization of their approaches in
these areas.
1. Multiple
gating procedures need to be used during all academic or behavioral universal
screening activities so that the screening results are based on (a) reliable
and valid data that (b) factor in false-positive and false-negative student
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2. After
including false-negative and eliminating false-positive students, identified
students receive additional diagnostic or functional assessments to determine
their strengths, weaknesses, content and skill gaps, and the underlying reasons
for those gaps.
screening procedures do not exist or are not accurate, Steps 5 and 6 should
occur with all students who are academically struggling in the classroom
or demonstrating social, emotional, or behavioral concerns in any school
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3. When
focusing- - especially at the elementary school level- - on helping students to
learn and master foundational academic skills (e.g., phonemic awareness,
phonetic decoding, numeracy, calculation skills), students should be taught at
their functional, instructional levels- - regardless of their age or grade
focusing- - at the secondary level- - on academic content, comprehension, and
application skills, teachers need to be sure that students have mastered the
foundational and prerequisite literacy, math, written expression, and oral
expression skills needed to be successful.
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4. All
students should be taught- - every year- - social, emotional, and
behavioral skills as part of an explicit Health, Mental Health, and Wellness
preschool through high school curriculum. These skills should especially be
applied to students' academic engagement, and their ability to work
collaboratively in cooperative and project-based learning groups.
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5. Before
conducting diagnostic or functional assessments, comprehensive reviews of
identified students' cumulative and other records/history are conducted, along
with (a) student observations; (b) interviews with parents/guardians and previous
teachers/intervention specialists; (c) assessments investigating the presence
of medical, drug, or other physiologically-based issues; and (d) evaluations of
previous interventions.
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Diagnostic or functional assessments evaluate students' instructional settings.
These assessments evaluate the quality of past and present instruction, the
integrity of past and present curricula, and interventions that have already
been attempted. This helps determine whether a student's difficulties are due
to teacher/instruction, curricular, or student-specific factors (or a
combination thereof).
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_ _ _
Diagnostic or functional assessments to determine why a student is not
making progress or is exhibiting concerns should occur prior to any
student-directed academic or social, emotional, or behavioral interventions.
assessments should occur as soon as academically struggling or behaviorally
challenging students are identified (i.e., during Tier 1).
assessments should not be delayed until Tier III- - otherwise it is
likely that the Tier I and II interventions implemented (in the absence of
these assessments) will not be successful, will make the student more resistant
to later interventions, and actually may change the problem or make the
original problem worse.
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8. Early
intervention and early intervening services should be provided as soon as
needed by students. Tier III intensive services should be provided as soon as
needed by students. Students should not have to receive or "fail"
in Tier II services in order to qualify for Tier III services.
intervention services include- - based on the diagnostic or functional
assessment results- - the use of assistive supports, skill-gap remediations,
instructional setting and process accommodations, and curricular modifications.
Tier II and
III services include strategic or intensive curricular or skill-targeted
strategies or interventions, other services or support programs,
student-tailored compensations (for academic problems), and crisis-management
services (for social, emotional, or behavioral problems).
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9. When
(Tier I, II, or III) interventions do not work, the diagnostic or functional
assessment should be revisited, and it should be determined if (a) the actual
student problem was either accurately identified or has changed; (b) the
assessment results correctly determined the underlying reasons for the problem;
(c) the correct instructional or intervention approaches were selected; (d) the
correct instructional or intervention approaches were implemented with
integrity, and with the intensity needed; and/or (e) the student needs
additional or different services, supports, strategies, or programs.
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10. The
"tiers" in a multi-tiered system of supports reflect the intensity
of services, supports, strategies, or programs needed by one or more
The tiers do
not reflect the percentage of students receiving specific intensities or services,
nor do they reflect the organization (i.e., small group or individual), the
delivery setting or place, or the expertise of the primary providers of those
the services and supports in a particular tier in a specific school or district
are relative and dependent on the available resources- - including the number,
skill, and expertise of the existing core and support staff.
example, in a rural, poor school district, the absence of a Tier I social
skills curriculum taught by the classroom teachers for all students might
result in a number of students with social, emotional, and behavioral gaps that
require the involvement of "Tier III" community mental health
referrals and staff- - because the district does not have the mental health
support staff to provide these services.
A larger
school district that had a Tier I primary prevention social skills curriculum
would have fewer students with social, emotional, and behavioral gaps; and
these students would receive "Tier II" supports from the counselors,
school psychologists, and/or social workers employed by the district.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The School Improvement, RtI, and PBIS approaches pushed by USDoE
during the NCLB years did not work. . . and they did not demonstrate consistent,
sustained, comprehensive, or causal changes in student, staff, or student
Because of
their poor results, the USDoE actually "rebranded" RtI and PBIS a few
years ago using their "Multi-Tiered System of Supports" (MTSS)
designation- - but these frameworks and approaches (see the studies cited
above) have not worked any better.
Significantly, the rebranding was done largely because the USDoE knew that educators had become disenchanted and frustrated with original RtI and PBIS approaches, and strategically decided to "reboot the system" so that the limited RtI and PBIS results could be put "into the past."
Significantly, the rebranding was done largely because the USDoE knew that educators had become disenchanted and frustrated with original RtI and PBIS approaches, and strategically decided to "reboot the system" so that the limited RtI and PBIS results could be put "into the past."
I know that
some have been surprised at the largely inconsequential School Improvement,
RtI, PBIS, and MTSS results over the past number of years. This is because many
believe that the U.S. Department of Education, their state departments of
education, and the national and state experts espousing these approaches know
what they were talking about.
remember, people only know what they know. They often don't know what they
don't know.
At the same
time, let's not under-estimate the impact of politics.
let's remember that Diane Ravitch strongly advocated for high stakes testing
when she was working in the USDoE during the Bush administration, and then
completely changed her view after she left.
let's remember that the $6 billion Reading First program was
discontinued by Congress because the USDoE was manipulating the grant selection
process and funneling money to a selected number of specific literacy series
and intervention programs.
These are
some of the very clear reasons (there are others) why the new ESEA/ESSA has
language in it that has explicitly taken power and responsibility away from
the U.S. Department of Education and its Secretary.
In essence,
Congress wanted to ensure that the USDoE could not continue to establish and
dictate its own educational standards and approaches, or to overstep and abuse
its authority- - over and above any legislation that it passed.
But in
limiting the USDoE's reach, ESEA/ESSA gives states, districts, and school
many wonderful opportunities.
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And so. . .
in conclusion:
* We DO
need to help failing schools to turn-around and improve.
* We DO
need to determine WHY academically struggling students are not succeeding so we
can deliver effective, timely, and successful
instructional approaches and interventions to address their needs.
* We DO
need to determine WHY students are exhibiting social, emotional, and behavioral
challenges so we can deliver effective, timely, and successful interventions to
address their needs.
AND. . .
with its emphasis on design, implementation, and evaluation at the state and
local levels, ESEA/ESSA gives these units opportunities to reconceptualize (a)
school improvement; (b) school discipline, classroom management, and student
self-management (i.e., lower case positive behavioral intervention and
support systems); and (c) (lower case) multi-tiered systems of support.
BUT. . . if
state departments of education continue to embrace the past, unsuccessful NCLB
RtI, PBIS, and MTSS approaches, I hope that districts and schools will work
together to influence these departments of education to stop and replace
these practices.
This is NOT
about politics or preferences. This is about our current and next generations
of students, graduates, post-graduates, and employees.
If there is
anything that I can do for you in these areas, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
In fact (as always), I am willing to give- - pro bono- - up to two one-hour conference calls to any district or school leadership team that wants to further discuss this information and how it applies to your students, staff, and community.
In fact (as always), I am willing to give- - pro bono- - up to two one-hour conference calls to any district or school leadership team that wants to further discuss this information and how it applies to your students, staff, and community.