Saturday, July 25, 2020

Identifying Students with Back-to-School Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs: How to Screen Without Screening

In Uncommon Times, Uncommon Sense is Best


   Since the full force of the Pandemic began in March—dramatically changing the educational landscape for students, parents, and educators—I have written two Blog articles each month, trying to provide common sense and science-to-practice directions and recommendations relative to effective school and schooling strategies.

   I have discussed the pandemic on personal and professional levels, focused on home and school issues, and directly addressed students’ academic and social, emotional, and behavioral experiences, status, and needs.

   At this point, it appears that the vast majority of schools across the country will be educating their students using either full-virtual or hybrid approaches this Fall.

   For those schools in full-virtual mode, we must—nowcomprehensively address the off-campus social, emotional, and behavioral needs of all of our students—going well past this Spring’s reactive (and necessary) focus on students with significant, immediate physical, security, psychological, and disability-related needs.

   While challenging, related service professionals (counselors, school psychologists, social workers, etc.) must be working full-time on providing multi-tiered services and supports to all students. For students still in need, this may have to include socially-distanced home or school visits.

   For those schools in hybrid mode, we must look, now and one more time, at how our school plans include the social, emotional, and behavioral re-entry needs of all students, and how we will identify, validate, and address the specific needs of some students.
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   In the Summary section of this article, I will review the social, emotional, and behavioral service and support recommendations from my most-recent (since March) Blogs.

   Today’s message, however, specifically focuses on how to screen (lower case) our students’ social, emotional, and behavioral status this Fall—regardless of a school’s virtual/stay-at-home, hybrid, or full-attendance model.

   Critically, unlike some of my colleagues, the popular press, and the test vendors (and some of their authors), I am not recommending that schools formally Screen (upper case—using some type of standardized assessment tool) students in the social-emotional areas during, at least, the first two months of the school year—whenever that starts for your students.

   If such “Screening” is done too early and too quickly, the results will largely be invalid, the needed treatment directions will be unclear (or incorrectly focused), the time will be wasted. . . . and worse, some students may be harmed by not getting or getting the wrong therapeutic services.

   Instead, I recommend “screening” activities (lower case s), and the use of your mental health team to pool the information from these activities to make sound, differentiated clinical decisions.
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How Does the “Normalcy Bias” Relate to Social-Emotional Screening?

   As many of you know, I read articles every day in a wide variety of educational, psychological, organizational, business, and current event areas. Last week, I read a business article in RealLeaders titled, “How Business Can Beat the Coronavirus: Confront the New Reality.”

   It discussed the impact of the Normalcy Bias, one of hundreds of cognitive biases that specifically leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings. Typically applied to natural or situational disasters or catastrophes, a Normalcy Bias is a conscious or unconscious neuro-psychological process that can be applied to our current Pandemic conditions in a number of ways.

   For example, in a March 15, 2020 Psychology Today article, “How Psychological Biases Shaped My Response to This Pandemic,” Dr. Amie Gordon analyzed her initial under-reaction to COVID-19 in early March saying,

One of the most relevant psychological biases is called the normalcy bias. This bias refers to our tendency to expect that things will continue to occur in the future the way they have typically occurred in the past (to continue to be “normal”), which can lead us to underestimate both the likelihood of a disaster occurring and how bad the disaster is when it does occur.

And apparently, I am among the 70 percent or so people thought to fall prey to this bias during a disaster. Even as I write about this bias, I can feel it playing in my mind. I feel myself thinking that yes, things are strange right now, but this is just temporary. It can’t really keep getting worse, right?

I have to keep reminding myself that my daughter’s school is closed for a month (remember, she was writing this in March) because that is certainly not part of my normal life. The world’s reaction to the novel coronavirus has made it clear that this is not a normal situation, but I must remind myself of it constantly to fight against what, in my mind, feels like a brief blip in our typical way of doing things.

   While I wonder if some people are “refusing” to wear masks in public not because of defiance, but because of their unconscious normalcy bias, let’s talk about how some may be making educational and psychoeducational recommendations based on their normalcy biases.
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   Over the past week or so, I have read a number of articles, newsletters, or advertisements (framed to educators as “professional advice”) that recommend that we formally Screen all students’ social, emotional, and behavioral status as soon as they come back to school this Fall.

   By formally Screen, they are suggesting that we ask teachers (or others) to complete a standardized questionnaire, behavior rating scale, or clinical assessment tool on every student to determine if they are experiencing or at-risk for some social, emotional, or behavioral problem (for example, trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, anger, or aggression).

   These recommendations have come from test or book publishers (or their authors), companies marketing their on-line assessments or services, the educational media (for example, Education Week or different SmartBrief newsletters), and in the popular press.

   Some of these sources, quite honestly, are just trying to increase their “market share” of schools.

   Others are publishing the work of their contributing authors, but their editors “don’t know what they don’t know”—and end up publishing “bad science.”

   Still others are not adequately defining what they mean by “screening”—leaving it up to the (mis)interpretation of practicing school personnel.

   And others, finally, are incurring a Normalcy Bias—thinking that how we did social, emotional, and behavioral screening pre-pandemic is how we should still do it post-pandemic.
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Why We Should Not Screen Students with Social-Emotional Tests Immediately This School Year

   Under normal (pre-pandemic) circumstances, a psychometrically-sound screening-to-services process requires the use of (a) multiple assessment approaches or tools; (b) completed by multiple raters (including the student him or herself); (c) evaluating student behavior across multiple settings; (d) where the ratings, observations, and data are reliable and the results are valid; and all completed (e) within a multiple-gated process.

   With no disrespect to my educational colleagues, if the statement above (and explained below) does not make complete sense, please consult your school psychologist—typically, the best psychometrically science-to-practice expert in this area in your district.

   In this context, whether using a standardized questionnaire, behavior rating scale, or clinical assessment tool, a formal social-emotional Screening Test requires someone to complete the tool based on enough observation, interaction, and experience with a student that the ratings are reliable and valid.

   In schools, “enough observation, interaction, and experience” is typically defined as a minimum of six to eight weeks of “frequent” interactions that occur (as above) over time, in multiple settings, and across multiple circumstances.

   Stated less clinically, the person who is completing a social, emotional, or behavioral Screening Test needs to know the student.

   So why shouldn’t schools screen students with social-emotional questionnaires, scales, tools, or tests immediately this new school year?
  • If students have all new teachers this new school year, none of them will have enough interactional experiences with their students to (reliably—never mind validly) complete a screening tool until (depending on when students return) early- to mid-October at the earliest.
  • If students have the same teachers as last year, too many social, emotional, or behavioral events have occurred between last March (when most schools closed) and now. . . that these teachers either are not privy to or have not directly observed under “typical” classroom conditions (noting that virtual instruction is different than on-site classroom instruction).
   Thus, these teachers cannot assume that students’ pre-pandemic status is similar to their Fall school re-entry status (again, without the six to eight weeks noted above). Moreover, if these teachers rated their students immediately at the beginning of this new school year, their ratings would be based more on students’ pre-pandemic behavior than their re-entry behavior (another type of rating bias).
  • When students return to school this Fall, we are fully expecting a social, emotional, and behavioral transition or re-entry process that is somewhat different than “normal.” While we can’t exactly predict how individual students will re-enter (hence the screening process outlined later in this Blog), we do expect different levels of social, emotional, and behavioral variability across students as a “normal” response. . . both to the medical, economic, educational, social, and/or other life condition effects of the pandemic, and to the racial bias and equity events triggered by the murder of George Floyd and others.
   Thus, any social, emotional, or behavioral Screening Tests completed immediately at the beginning of the new school year will likely reflect the variability of the re-entry transition process for students, and not their more longstanding, “typical” behavior once the transition time has passed.

   In summary, as emphasized in the Introduction, we are recommending that schools do not formally Screen (upper case—using some type of standardized assessment tool) students in the social-emotional areas during, at least, the first two months of the school year—whenever that starts for your students.

   Instead, we are recommending “screening” activities (lower case s), and the use of your mental health team to pool the information from these activities to make sound, differentiated clinical decisions.

   These screening activities are outlined below—first from a process perspective and then from a data-collection perspective.
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The Recommended Pandemic-Sensitive Screening Process

   As noted above, a psychometrically-sound social, emotional, and behavioral screening-to-services process requires the use of (a) multiple assessment approaches or tools; (b) completed by multiple raters (including the student him or herself); (c) evaluating student behavior across multiple settings; (d) where the ratings, observations, and data are reliable and the results are valid; and all completed (e) within a multiple-gated process.

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The Recommended Data-Collection Elements

   Relative to screening or a more formal assessment of a student’s social, emotional, and behavioral status, there are many ways to collect important data. Ultimately, these data must be reliable and valid (this is a required psychometric principle), and they need to identify and differentiate among specific, legitimate concerns.

   The different ways to collect social, emotional, and behavioral screening data can be summarized in the acronym RIOTS—Review, Interview, Observe, Test, and Self-Report.

   This acronym is operationalized in the full Blog article along with specific examples of screening-specific data collection approaches.

   Brief Summary. The goal of this section is to help colleagues recognize that there are many information and data sources available to complete a sound social, emotional, and behavioral screening process for all of the students in a school. If our recommendation to not do a formal Social-Emotional Screening Test immediately at the beginning of the school year is heeded, data collected within the other RIOTS areas can—with Multi-Tiered Services Team planning—efficiently and effectively be used. In fact, the Team and school may realize that collecting these other data now may preempt the need for a later Screening Test.

   The critical issue is planning. Once again, now is the time for the Multi-Tiered Services Team to act.

   If a school is using any school-opening model that involves students’ physical presence in their classrooms, this action is essential to a smooth social, emotional, and behavioral transition.

   If the new year will start virtually, the school (and the Team) are still responsible for the social, emotional, and behavioral status of its students. We are now past the “reactive period” that began last March. We now need to be fully serving all of our students as part our comprehensive educational mandate.
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Summary and Reviewing Our Previous Re-Entry Recommendations

   In multiple ways and contexts, these are not normal times.

   And yet, we all experience—even momentarily—times when our normalcy bias leads us to disbelieve or minimize the impact of the current pandemic.

   On a professional level, we need to be careful about using past practices—that were appropriate in a non-pandemic world—before considering whether they are appropriate now.

   This means that we need to continually “test” the validity of our potential normalcy biases—especially when they impact students’ social, emotional, and behavioral status, progress, and needs.

   Said a different way: We need to use Uncommon Sense for these Uncommon Times.
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   In this Blog, we applied the normalcy bias to squelch others’ recommendations that schools formally screen—through standardized questionnaires, behavior rating scales, or clinical assessment tools—students’ social, emotional, and behavioral status immediately at the beginning of the new school year.

   Instead, we recommended the collection of screening information and data through the use of different screening approaches that are coordinated through a school’s Multi-Tiered Services Team.

   We then outlined a recommended sequence of screening activities, and identified different data collection approaches, organized by the acronym RIOTS.

   In all, we especially emphasized the importance of using a psychometrically-sound screening-to-services process requires the use of (a) multiple assessment approaches or tools; (b) completed by multiple raters (including the student him or herself); (c) evaluating student behavior across multiple settings; (d) where the ratings, observations, and data are reliable and the results are valid; and all completed (e) within a multiple-gated process.
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A Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Summary Bonus

   Since March, virtually all of my Blog articles have focused explicitly on how districts and schools should address the academic and social, emotional, and behavioral service-delivery challenges related to the pandemic. These have all been organized and integrated into a monograph:

Planning Your Post-Pandemic Re-Opening of School: Addressing Students’ Academic & Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs

   The monograph is over 130 pages, it is delivered electronically as a pdf, and because of the importance of the topic, we have priced it under $10.

   Below is a brief summary of five of the social, emotional, and behaviorally-related “Take-Aways” discussed in the Monograph.
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Take-Away #1. Primary Principles of Pandemic Planning

   In a recent Education Week article, Dr. Kathleen Minke, the Executive Director of the National Association of School Psychologists recommended the following principles for districts planning for the Fall school re-entry of their students:

·        Develop a long-term recovery plan.

·        Assess, don’t assume.

·        Develop a resource map.

·       Provide professional development and emotional care for adults.
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Take-Away #2. Primary Practices in the Student Re-Entry Process

   As our students return to school this Fall (whether virtual, hybrid, or full-attendance), their educators need to:

·      Plan from a strength-based perspective that recognizes and utilizes students’ social, emotional, and behavioral strengths.

·      Recognize the importance of creating immediate and sustained safe and supportive climates.

·      Allow students to discuss and debrief the pandemic’s past and present effects on their lives, to socially and emotionally re-connect with their peers and staff, and to (re-)establish supportive interpersonal and academic routines.

·       Realize that we will still be living in the shadow and context of the pandemic, that students (and staff) will need ongoing understanding and support, and that everyone has their own “timeline” relative to emotional response, recovery, and “normalization;”

·    Prepare to formally or informally screen students for social, emotional, and/or behavioral distress.

·     Have a continuum of in-school and community-based social, emotional, and behavioral services, supports, strategies, and interventions prepared for students in need.

·     Understand that this “new normal” post-pandemic school and schooling world includes a “new normal” relative to the social, emotional, and behavioral status and needs of students (and staff).
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Take-Away #3. Establish Stress-Informed not Trauma-Informed School Climates and Practices

   Pragmatically and clinically, more students have stressors that impact their social, emotional, and behavioral interactions than students— especially from a clinical perspective—with traumatic disorders.

   Thus, it follows that educators need to be prepared more broadly with Stress-Informed knowledge and practices, rather than with trauma-related approaches that typically require psychological training.

   Districts and schools need to recognize that there are no single or “packaged” (social, emotional, behavioral, or SEL) programs to purchase or download that will adequately and accurately address the unique and individual needs within each district and its community.

   Success here will require planning and implementing effective practices that are individualized to the students, staff, and families in each district or school.
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Take-Away #4. What to Include in Your Post-Pandemic Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Plan

   Districts and schools need to be prepared to implement a series of essential activities on the first days and weeks of the school year when staff and students physically return to school.

   They also need to prepare for a “second wave” of activities for the second and third months of the re-entry process.

   In order to accomplish some of these activities, the district needs to (a) have memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with agencies that have support personnel to help provide continuous social, emotional, behavioral, or mental health services; (b) systematically review data from its data management tracking system; (c) continue to provide both individual and group services and interventions so that students can process and share their experiences in appropriate and supportive formats and settings; and (d) maintain effective communications with individual and groups of parents and other community leaders.
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Take-Away #5. How to Talk with Students About the Pandemic and Help Them Cope

   Districts and schools need to prepare how and who will discuss relevant social, emotional, and behavioral issues relative to the pandemic and school and schooling processes. These discussions will evolve over time, they may be individualized to different groups of students, and they may involve a continuum from teachers to administrators to mental health professionals in the school.
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   Meanwhile, I hope that this Blog essay has been helpful to you. As an underlying theme, I want to emphasize that, while we need to prepare for this social, emotional, and behavioral transition on behalf of our students, we need to take an objective, developmentally-sensitive, and data-based perspective in how we plan and eventually respond to the real behaviors and needs that our students exhibit.

   Related to this is an emphasis that districts and schools need to prepare and implement effective, locally-sensitive, and student-focused practices. . . not global, canned, untested, or heavily marketed and frameworks or programs. And, once again, that the planning needs to occur now. . . so that the resources, preparation, and training can occur before our students come back.

   As always, I appreciate the time that you invest in reading these Blogs, and your dedication to your students, your colleagues, and effective school and schooling practices— especially in the face of the challenges and competing priorities that we all are experiencing.

   Please feel free to send me your thoughts and questions. 

   And please know that I am always available to you through Zoom calls. . . if and when you need me. Contact me at any time.



Saturday, July 11, 2020

Do Black and Students with Disabilities’ Lives Matter to the U.S. Department of Education?

Institutional Bias, Power-Based Decisions, and Ineffective Practices?

Dear Colleagues,

Is Institutional Bias Driving the U.S. Department of Education?

Friday, July 10, 6:14 AM

   I rolled over in bed this morning and began to think about my 9:00 AM conference call with officials from the U.S. Department of Education (USDoE).

   Even though I had only slept about 5 hours, my mind started racing with thoughts about the call, and I realized there was no way I was going to fall back asleep.

   My conference call is with Angela Arrington, the Deputy Privacy Office at the USDoE who oversees Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from the public. Also scheduled on the call are Gregory Campbell who is an FOIA Coordinator in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Nicole White, a Competition Manager in the Office of Safe and Supportive Schools, and Kelly Patrick, who works in the same office as Nicole.

   At its core, the essence of the call is the five-year USDoE School Climate Transformation Grant that was awarded to 69 school districts or collaboratives on October 1, 2019.

   The specific purpose for the call is to clarify an FOIA request that I submitted to the USDoE about four months ago to get information that may validate the existence of a potential conflict of interest within the Department. Indeed, I believe this conflict has existed within the USDoE (and, especially, its Office of Special Education Programs— OSEP) for at least 20 years. While it has shifted to the Office of Safe and Supportive Schools, the conflict remains the same.

   The conflict of interest concerns the funding and singular advocacy and promotion by the USDoE, OSEP, and now Safe and Supportive Schools of the National Technical Assistance Center for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and its PBIS framework...

. . . and, through that promotion and framework, the ineffective social, emotional, and behavioral practices for students across the country for at least the past 20 years—especially, students of color and with disabilities.
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   But as my mind was racing, before I got out of bed this morning and ran to begin drafting this Blog message on my computer, I began to integrate two previously-disparate thoughts.

   First, I thought of a communiqué, 2020 Determination Letters on State Implementation of IDEA, published on June 25, 2020 by OSEP that announced that (a) fewer than half of the states in our country are in compliance with federal special education law (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act—IDEA), and (b) just 21 states “met” these requirements for the 2018-2019 school year.

   Parenthetically, as a former Director of an OSEP grant for 13 years with the Arkansas Department of Education, I can tell you that one critical area where most states are out of compliance with IDEA involves the disproportionate discipline referrals and suspensions of students of color and with disabilities.

   The second thing that I thought about was the whole area of disproportionality, inequity, and the institutional racism that has existed for 400 years in this country—racism that contributed to the recent deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others.

   Here, I began to wonder whether there is implicit racial bias within the USDoE, and if this bias is influencing some of its policies, practices, and decisions. . . and actually contributing to the poor special education (and other educational) results in our states and schools.
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   I have written about issues of educational inequity and disproportionality in many previous Blog messages. Rather than lose the main thesis of today’s discussion, please feel free to read the most recent Blogs validating these important concerns in our schools today.

[CLICK HERE to see:

April 11, 2020. The Pandemic Unearths the Raw Reality of Educational Inequity and Disparity: COVID-19 Forces Us to Realize We Need to Change the Village]

[CLICK HERE to see:

November 23, 2019. Maybe It’s the (Lack of) Money that Explains the Relationship Between Black-White Achievement Gaps and Disproportionate Disciplinary Suspensions?]
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   Both of the thoughts above converged as I prepared for my USDoE conference call, and I also wondered:
  • Why has disproportionality, racism, equity, and student achievement (especially for students of color, English Second Language students, and students with disabilities) not significantly improved in education when. . .
  • The National PBIS TA Center has especially focused on improving cultural competence, equitable practices, and school discipline and behavior management expertise in our nation’s schools since its funding by the USDoE (through OSEP) from 1997 to the present?
   Knowing many of the dominant OSEP and National PBIS TA Center “players” since 1997, I then wondered (with all due respect to my colleagues):
  • If their implicit biases, and their willingness to embrace a scientifically-flawed framework that has not produced consistent, widespread, and sustained results for students, staff, and schools (for over 20 years) are contributing to the lack of student, school, and state progress in their funded areas of focus.
   Said a different way:
  • Maybe USDoE staff are as responsible (as the states and districts) for the poor results reflected in the 2020 Determination Letters on State Implementation of IDEA Report. . .
. . . because of the stubborn promotion of their own flawed PBIS and other (e.g., MTSS) frameworks. . .

Frameworks that many researchers and practitioners have expressed concerns about for many years?
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Why People Stick to their Beliefs, No Matter What

   Critically, two of the psychological processes that best explain the hypothesized phenomenon above are: Cognitive Immunization and Confirmation Bias.

   A March 28, 2016 Psychology Today article, “5 Reasons Why People Stick to their Beliefs, No Matter What,” stated that Cognitive Immunization “helps to explain why some beliefs become even stronger when challenged. They also help to explain how we cannot let go of some beliefs in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence.”

   The article continues, “In fact, one characteristic of strong and resilient beliefs is their internal logic and structure, even when they defy logical verification as a whole. As a result, believers come to arguments well-prepared, having become adept at using their Confirmation—the natural inclination to avoid any information that contradicts a strongly held belief, while seeking out information that strengthens it. 

   The article goes on to describe five research-based, psychologically-driven ways that people maintain and defend their beliefs even in the face of objective data.

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Back to the FOIA Conference Call

   One of the reasons why I filed the FOIA request with the USDoE was because of its continuing practice of requiring districts awarded specific federal grants (funded by your tax dollars) to use the personnel from or affiliated with the National PBIS TA Center.

   This has most recently occurred with the last two five-year School Climate Transformation Grants (first from 2014 to 2019, and now with the second set of awardees starting this past October, 2019).

   The USDoE’s website describes the School Climate Transformation Grant as follows:

The School Climate Transformation Grant—Local Educational Agency Program provides competitive grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) to develop, enhance, or expand systems of support for, and technical assistance to, schools implementing an evidence-based multi-tiered behavioral framework for improving behavioral outcomes and learning conditions for all students.

Projects should: (1) build capacity for implementing a sustained, school-wide multi-tiered behavioral framework; (2) enhance capacity by providing training and technical assistance to schools; and (3) include an assurance that the applicant will work with a technical assistance provider, such as the PBIS Technical Assistance Center funded by the Department, to ensure that technical assistance related to implementing program activities is provided.

   While the USDoE emphasize that the words “such as” in the bolded sentence above “prove” that any viable PBIS-savvy technical assistance provider can be used by any grantee, their actual actions speak louder than their politically-correct assurances.

  •  For the entirety of the first 2014 School Climate Transformation Grant, districts/SEAs awarded the grant were required to send representatives every year to the National PBIS TA Center’s October national conference.
For five years at this conference, not a single presenter who did not support and reflect the TA Center’s PBIS framework were invited to present at this Conference.

  • At the first Grant Directors’ Conference for the newly awarded 2019 School Climate Transformation Grants—held in Washington, DC earlier this year on January 27-28, 2020—grantees were made to listen to an entire day of USDoE-funded National PBIS TA Center and National SEL TA Center directors or affiliates who discussed only their Centers’ PBIS and SEL frameworks and the specific consultants (with e-mails included) who were available to provide (“free”) technical assistance services. 
Significantly, a number of grantees complained about the wasted time devoted to these “info-mercials,” and some felt pressured to change the directions of their already-approved and funded School Climate Grants to (a) conform to the TA Centers’ frameworks, and (b) use their consultants.

   For a comprehensive past and present description of the USDoE’s singular advocacy and promotion of its National TA Center’s PBIS framework, read the February 15, 2020 Blog article:

Did a Misguided U.S. Department of Education E-mail “Confirm” Its Improper Favoritism of the PBIS Behavioral Framework? Using the School Climate Transformation Grant to Misrepresent, Re-Brand, and Strong-Arm Educators toward Only “Department-Approved” PBIS Consultants.”

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   Briefly connecting the dots between the USDoE’s actions and the Psychology Today article (both above), I would like to suggest that USDoE staff may be psychologically “sticking to their PBIS beliefs” (no matter what) by:

·   Isolating themselves from people who hold outside beliefs in order to shield their ideas from even the possibility of contrary voices and arguments.

·   Trying to reduce direct exposure to other beliefs and ideas that might challenge our own.

· Connecting their beliefs to powerful emotions. For example, deliberately scaring grantees with losing their funds (see the February 15th Blog) in order to shape their behaviors and steer them away from alternative PBIS approaches.

·   Associating with (creating) like-minded groups that work together to undermine rival beliefs and the groups proposing them. Remember the article’s point that: Academics have made this into a fine art under the rubric of the scientific method by highlighting the weaknesses in theoretical adversaries’ arguments while ignoring their strengths.

·  Immunizing their beliefs through repetition—in fact, over 20 years of repetition.

   But in executing these belief-defending actions, the USDoE staff involved are also denying millions of students and staff, and thousands of schools the information that may improve their science-to-practice approaches, and their school discipline, classroom management, and student self-management outcomes.

   Critically, this especially involves millions of students of color, ELL students, students living in poverty, and students with disabilities.

   And if the thesis of this Blog is accurate—even in small part—the USDoE’s “implicit bias toward practice” may inadvertently be exacerbating the implicit bias of racism in our schools.
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The Misuse of Political Power in Education

Back to the FOIA Conference Call

   Another reason for my FOIA request to the USDoE was to hopefully get to the bottom of a situation that I described in the February 15th Blog (please read that Blog for the entire description—including quotes from relevant e-mails between me and USDoE staff).

   Here is a brief summary of the situation:

   After I heard about the presentations at the January School Climate Transformation Grant Directors’ meeting in Washington, DC (note that I am the Outside PBIS Consultant on three of the 69 grants awarded), I decided to get clarification on what actually occurred.

   Hence, I e-mailed Carlette KyserPegram, the U.S. Department of Education’s Program Manager for the School Climate Transformation Grant in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Safe and Supportive Schools.  I also copied Ms. KyserPegram’s supervisors in her office, as well as Frank Brogan, the Assistant Secretary in charge of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education.

   After a series of e-mails, the last one (on February 13, 2020) from Ms. KyserPegram stated:

Good Afternoon Dr. Knoff:

Attached please find the slides that you requested. 

As indicated in the attached slides, the PBIS TA center is a U.S. Department of Education grantee whose purpose is, among other things, to assist SEAs and LEAs that received or will receive School Climate Transformation Grants (SCTGs) with developing and implementing PBIS frameworks that are designed to keep students engaged in instruction and improve academic outcomes.

The PBIS TA center does not advocate for, fund or support the implementation of any singular approach to PBIS, and the Department does not endorse any particular product or model of PBIS.  As the Department funds the PBIS TA Center to provide no-cost technical assistance to SCTG grantees, the presentation (at the January Directors’ meeting) gave SCTG participants information about the Center’s resources and services available to them. However, SCTG grantees are free to use consultants of their choosing in addition to, or instead of,  the services of the PBIS TA Center, and this is what we communicate to grantees.  As I said in my earlier email, at no time during the meeting were grantees told they could not use consultants outside of those affiliated with the PBIS TA Center.

C. KyserPegram

  [ NOTE:  This is Ms. KyserPegram’s entire, unedited response. ]
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   While the last statement in this e-mail was not the perception of many of the grant awardees at the meeting, with this sanitized, politically-correct, “we-follow-all-of-the-rules” response, I figured my communications with Ms. KyserPegram were done. 

   BUT. . . what happened next completely shocked me !!!
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   At 3:43 PM on the same day—less than two hours after receiving Ms. KyserPegram’s response, I received the following unexpected and incorrectly routed e-mail from Rita Foy-Moss who is a Program Officer in the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Healthy Schools.

   Sending the e-mail to Carlette KyserPegram, and copying it to Nicole White, Ms. Foy-Moss’ e-mail simply said:

   “Good show!
     Thank you.

   Seven minutes later, at 3:50 PM, Ms. Foy-Moss e-mailed me again, saying:

   “Foy Moss, Rita would like to recall the message “SCTG and the U.S. DoE’s Singular Promotion of the PBIS TA Center and Staff”—the title of the first-sent e-mail.
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   Clearly, Ms. Foy-Moss mistakenly included me on the first e-mail above.

   Just as clearly, she was positively reinforcing her colleague, Ms. KyserPegram for the e-mail that she sent to me earlier that day (quoted above).

   But what exactly was she reinforcing???

   To be fair, I have generated some hypotheses that might explain Ms. Foy-Moss’ cryptic message reinforcing Ms. KyserPegram’s original e-mail to me . . .

   Ultimately, whatever Ms. Foy-Moss intended, she must have been concerned (horrified???) enough about her e-mail “getting into the wrong hands” to have sent me a retraction within seven minutes.
_ _ _ _ _

Back to the FOIA Conference Call

   Ms. Foy-Moss’ e-mail is what prompted my FOIA request.

   In essence, I wondered if her e-mail represented a “smoking gun” that would uncover other USDoE memos or e-mails (acquired through the FOIA request) that would prove that the USDoE was not engaged in just Cognitive Immunization, Confirmation Bias, or Implicit Bias, but pure power politics.

   And if you believe that something like this would never occur in a federal agency like the USDoE, please know that the USDoE’s Office of the Inspector General proved (in 2006) that (from 2002 through 2006) USDoE staff planned, manipulated, and changed multiple state department of education Reading First grants to ensure that the nationally-proven Success for All Reading Program (and others) would never receive federal funding.

   The Reading First program involved over $6 billion dollars that went primarily to high-poverty Title I schools to improve elementary students’ reading skills. And the USDoE staff involved were the actual federal grant program directors overseeing the program.

   In fact, because of the identified USDoE staffs’ malfeasance, thousands of students nationwide were denied one of the most effective reading programs in our country’s arsenal.

   Moreover, Congress eventually de-funded the Program (for Fiscal Year 2009), in essence, to punish the USDoE, and because the integrity of the USDoE’s continued oversight of the program could not be assured.

   Critically, the Inspector General’s investigation started when Dr. Robert Slavin, the Program’s creator, filed an FOIA request with the USDoE that uncovered incriminating staff e-mails that demonstrated the bias against his Success for All Program.

[CLICK HERE to see the U.S. Department of Education’s Inspector General’s September 2006 Report on the Reading First debacle]
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Summary: Effective and Ineffective Practice

Friday, July 10, 11:11 AM

   The FOIA conference call is over, but I have no news to report.

   It was a cordial, respectful, and professional call, and I believe that all of the USDoE staff on the call are dedicated to our nation’s students and schools, and to the mission of maximizing their academic and social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes.

   But we will need to wait and see if the call was truly productive.

   On the call, I provided much of the same history that I have shared (above) with you. But at the beginning of the call, I suggested a resolution that would encourage me to withdraw the FOIA request, and the precious staff time needed to complete it.

   The core of my proposal was that the USDoE would agree to actively involve me in the relevant planning and evaluation sessions that would guide the functional implementation of the School Climate Transformation Grant for the next four-plus years.

   This would ensure that multiple “PBIS expert voices” would “be at the planning table” so that the districts and schools involved in the Grant Program would have the benefit of different, proven ways to positively impact school climate and student behavior.

   Included in this proposal also would be a USDoE agreement to involve me and other PBIS national experts—not affiliated with the National PBIS TA Center—as presenters and mentors at the required School Climate Transformation Grant Directors’ Annual Conferences.

   The USDoE leaders on the call agreed that they would bring my proposals to the Department’s Leadership Group.

   We will see what happens. . .
_ _ _ _ _

   My friends, please understand that my FOIA request and the proposals above are all about initiating, maintaining, and sustaining a systemic change of a social, organizational, and institutionalized culture within the USDoE (and across many state departments of education in this country) that has allowed a flawed framework to be promoted for too long.

   This culture has not occurred because of who is in power (i.e., the political party of the current President), but because of who is implementing the power (i.e., USDoE staff, some of whom have worked in the Department for up to four different Presidents—two Republican and two Democrat).

   While the change may begin with confrontation, it will ultimately succeed with collaboration.

   And the process toward success will not be pretty or linear, perfect or universal. Moreover, it will involve hard work and courage, compromise and dedication.

   While this PBIS and SEL School Climate Grant issue pales against the depth and breadth of the implicit, explicit, and historical issues of bias, prejudice, and racism embedded in the Black Lives Matter movement, I believe that the two overlap.

   Simplistically, they overlap because we need to systemically change the social, organizational, and institutionalized culture of racism that has occurred over the past 400 years. And part of this change must occur with changes in how we fund, successfully educate, and support Black and other students of color, ELL students, students with disabilities, and students from poverty.

   The PBIS framework has had over 20 years and millions of dollars of federal and state funds to demonstrate its ability to be part of this change process. It is now time to listen to some “new” voices.

   It also is time for some to (a) look in the mirror, (b) confront the reasons why—motivated by psychology, politics, or power—they are “sticking to their beliefs” (no matter what), (c) admit and apologize for their past behavior and decisions, and (d) re-focus and re-dedicate themselves to the children and adolescents in our schools and communities nationwide.

